Sunday, May 31, 2015

Follow up RED trip.

After the initial earth quake disasters i was pretty keen on getting out to the kids in Nepal to see what assistance i could render. The trips made into Nepal for the Earth Quake relief effort was a great one for us. The cassiDys put in a great deal of effort networking their vast social community so the RED adventures could make the most and do the most in this time of need. My hat goes off to them for all their tireless work, and and great deal of appreciation to all the people who stood behind this ongoing effort to make sure the kids can have a future that every child deserves.

RED and the Tumi's are ready to head out the door once again.. this time for a bit of a follow up mission.. but still full of all kinds of surprises for the kids.

I like stopping by the orphanages completely unannounced and unexpected .. I get a chance to see the kids being kids.. just like everywhere else you might encounter in the world.. its good fun
kids really don't need anything more than each other to have a fun day. Although there is so much destruction just a few meters away and aftershock tremors are felt a few times a day.. the kids are not fazed

the living here is very basic, sometimes i wish i could do so much more for them
you can just see these 3 are trouble in the making.. LOL.. very sweet girls in Orph3 .. they take good care of each other.
The kids in all of the orphanages RED visits are all very caring loving children, they take great care of each other. I rarely see them fighting or being selfish with one another. Its always a pleasant experience when visiting the kids here.

In the begining of this month I and finalized the negotiations for the 2015 school fees for Orph3. Even though we paid for the 28 kids to attend school, we still needed to get a few things, so on this day we stopped and purchased a bunch of school note books, pens and ink as well as a few other miscellaneous things they might need.

I can't help but be impressed by the weight these women can carry, and they carry this for an incredible distance as well. measured in kms not meters.

Every year since 2006 I would travel to Kathmandu in time for the new school term and pay for the kids full year of school. Now days some of the kids are in High school, a bit more costly but very nice to see them progress.
So this year is no different from the rest, i'm back enroll them in another year, the difference this time around is that some of the normal schools they attend have been destroyed in the earth quake
its a bit different here in Nepal when paying for school for this many kids. Since I've been at this for years I know how to lead the negotiations in order to get the most for the kids for the lowest price possible.
The negotiating is the best part of my day .. LOL

After a couple hrs of chatter and negotiating we finally come to an agreement. I took a bit longer than normal because this school is not the usual school they attend. The other school is destroyed. Included in the school fees are the uniform cost, transportation cost (5km each way) all exam fees as well as the general admin cost.. perfect.

As we drove thru the Kathmandu valley toward Orph01, we stopped to pick up some much needed gas for cooking. Since we were here just a few short weeks ago and purchased several months of Rice, Flour, Sugar, Lentils and the like. we online just a few things to top them up this time.
I'm still a bit beside myself when i see this home. Back around 2007 I helped build the original orphanage only to see it completely destroyed in 2015, but now that we have all learned what can happen, the building practice has been improved and this place should be much stronger than before ;-)

These are the kids that will be attending High school this year and extremely happy that they are taken care of, One less thing to be concerned about ;-)

I love coming here and helping these and many other kids, they are all so very polite and appreciative of anything we can do for them.  They know i'll be back, they know i'll always help care for them. 

This time around, due to the devastation of the recent earth quake, the media brought more attention to the plight of Nepal and the kids. The upside to that is, I find myself being able to do so much more because of the help from the cassiDy social network as well as Park House school in Qatar.
It makes an amazingly huge difference. Without this help, it would have taken me so much longer to rebuilt and re house some of these orphanages.
The work and efforts to improve life for kids in Nepal will always continue.

"Red" for the kids
Thanks you all.

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